Altiras Develops”AltiMix” Product to Fix Bad Gasoline Blends in Mexico

The Problem

There has been a lasting shortage of gasoline in Mexico. Due to this shortage, many companies have endeavored to make their own gasoline blends to meet the ongoing demand. Unfortunately, inexperience and bad advice have led to many gasoline blends to “fall apart”. This problem is caused by several octane boosting components that do not mix well with the other gasoline blending materials.

The Altiras Solution

Altiras studied the problem, investigating the primary blending components causing the separation. Certain “oxygenate” compounds, like methanol and ethanol, commonly cause this problem when used to increase octane. Unfortunately, these components do not blend well with most of the other components used to make gasoline. Altiras developed AltiMix as a cost effective “binder” to hold these components together under harsh conditions ranging across most temperature and pressure ranges.


Altiras tested AltiMix in a wide range of conditions to correct phase separation and clarity issues in various gasoline blends in Mexico. AltiMix can be used to fix gasoline blends and recover millions of gallons of rejected gasoline products. We can custom manufacture the product to include or exclude oxygenates and even adjust the Research Octane Number (RON) and Motor Octane Number (MON).

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