Frequently Asked Questions

beneficial reuse for positive environmental impact

The following questions are common questions addressed by Altiras Chemicals.

What Types of Products Does Altiras Chemicals Buy?

What Types of Products Does Altiras Fuels Buy?

Does Altiras Provide Recycling Services?

What Types of Products Does Altiras Recycle?

Does Altiras Sell Chemical and Solvent Recovery Systems?

How Does Altiras Handle Quality Assurance?

How Does Altiras Handle Product Stewardship?

If I want to recycle hazardous chemicals off-site, do they have to go to a RCRA Part B permitted facility?

Do I need a RCRA Part B permit to recycle my hazardous chemicals on-site?

Can my Hazardous Secondary Materials be distilled before being beneficially used?

Can my Hazardous Secondary Materials be applied to the land?

Can my sulfuric acid waste be used to make fertilizer?

Can you use a co-product as Fuel?

If you have any questions for Altiras Chemicals that are not answered on our website please contact us.