Acetic Acid

Acetic Acid

  • CAS: 64-19-7
  • Formula: CH₃COOH
  • Synonyms: Ethanoic acid; Ethylic acid; Methanecarboxylic acid; Vinegar acid; Glacial acetic acid

Altiras Chemicals LLC is a manufacturer of glacial acetic acid – CAS 64-19-7. All grades of Altiras’ acetic acid are procured as co-products. The acetic acid molecules contained in the co-products are repurposed giving them new life. Some grades can be used as-is in beneficial reuse applications while others are refined to high-quality glacial acetic acid specifications.  The result is the right quality at the right price for any application.

Altiras’ acetic acid is available in several grades to match the value and quality needs of a variety of industries.  Find a grade that suits your needs in our Acetic Acid Product List.

The following discount acetic acid products can replace glacial acetic acid in many applications. None of these products contain acrylic acid or acrylates.

Let's Discuss Your Acetic Acid Needs